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World Friends Day

2020-08-27 16:31:38 World Frinds Day Read


World Friends Day is an annual event dedicated to people and friendship around the world. It was created by the World Folklore Culture Assembly (WFCA; Sydney) and occurs annually on September 9th.  The idea of World Friends Day is to advocate the unity and love between people, the harmonious coexistence between people and all things. 


1. World Friends Day Logo: Four hands gripping pattern, symbolizing the world unity of all color and race, love, connected, mutual help and strength.

2. World Friends Day Slogan: Long live friends!

3. World Friends Day Song: Friends Song

4. World Friends Day Etiquette: Friends hug each other, meanwhile mutually moderate pat on the back, cordially and friendly.

5. Congratulatory Gestures at Gathering: Arm forward and thumbs up to show "friends first, friendship long live!"

6. World Friends Day Greetings: Hello, friend!

7. Ceremony of World Friends Day or Friends Theme Activities: representatives or each member holds a 2 meters rope of silk, buckle the rope and link with each other, lift the rope overhead together, sign as friends connected, friendship first.

8. World Friends Day Main Activities:

This day, a wide range of friends carry out greetings, wishes and gatherings.

On this day, a wide range of activities between people, animals and plants help let love spread throughout the world!


On this day, the whole world advocates to put down resentment, implement NO war and NO fighting!


Wish the world peace and everyone to make friends!

Remember, World Friends Day 9.9

Festival of People all over the world!

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